
ARD Community Service in Horsham

Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Community Service

(HPHA also works with the Youth Aid Panel for juveniles and other court ordered community service)

HPHA, as one of the many benefits we bring to the community, is an approved and long-time non-profit participant in the Montgomery and Bucks County ARD programs. Those who have worked with us through the program have helped the organization in numerous ways around the farm from cutting grass to felling trees, or special projects like building doors and repairing masonry. We have been part of the ARD program since 2008.

The Montgomery County Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (“ARD”) Program is a program of the District Attorney and supervised by the ARD Captain, who reviews criminal cases for potential admission. ARD is a unique program, approved by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, for first-time offenders who have no prior criminal convictions or prior ARD dispositions. The primary purpose of the ARD program is the prompt disposition of charges, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming trials and other court proceedings. The program is designed to recognize those offenders who are amenable to treatment and rehabilitation, and effectively remove their cases from the criminal justice system, thereby freeing resources better utilized elsewhere.

Individuals in the ARD program are given a number of hours of community service that must be performed by some deadline with a participating non-profit organization in Montgomery County.

HPHA holds community service days, Tuesdays and Saturdays, with some other days, depending on special circumstances, that are open to individuals placed in the Community Service program. If you have been specifically assigned to HPHA or have obligations under the Community Service program and would like to fulfill those obligations with us - please contact us.

If you are coming to work at the farm, please review our FAQs

We are a Community Benefit Organization!